Have you ever wanted to spend time in the United States? If so, then you’ll be excited to hear about SUSI Exchange Program The SUSI program allows you to study abroad in the USA while making new friends and memories that will last a lifetime. This guide will cover everything you need to know about this amazing program from choosing where you want to study to what documentation you’ll need and how much it will cost. So let’s get started!

What is SUSI Exchange Program?

The SUSI (Student Universal Support Ireland) exchange program is a government-funded student exchange scheme that allows students from Ireland and Northern Ireland to go on an overseas learning experience. The program is fully funded by Irish taxpayers, which means that any participants who apply for these grants don’t have to pay out of pocket for their trip. This grant is meant for a summer trip, but it’s possible to extend it into a full semester or year abroad if you so choose. There are more than 60 countries with offices in over 20 countries throughout Europe and North America. Participating organizations include academic institutions, government agencies, labor unions, non-profit organizations and professional associations.

How do I apply?

You can start applying for your semester by following a few simple steps. First, visit suisexchange.ie and fill out your application form . Secondly, submit an academic transcript from your school if you have not already done so. Thirdly, send in your English language proficiency test results if you have them (if not, don’t worry!). Finally, once you are accepted onto exchange through a university or college here in Ireland, send us all relevant information about that institution and get ready for one of the most exciting experiences of your life! We look forward to hearing from you soon!If you need more information, please feel free to email us at info@suisexchange.ie!

Cost and Scholarship Information

The cost of living in America is higher than Ireland, so it’s unlikely that you will be awarded a scholarship. However, a high academic average might help you secure financial aid for your university studies in America. In some cases, your family might be able to apply for a loan from banks or other financial institutions in Ireland, but don’t assume that you’ll get approved before applying for grants or scholarships in your home country. You should also check with U.S.

Where can I find more information about SUSI Exchange Program?

You can find more information about about living in USA on our website or you can speak with one of our exchange ambassadors. Click here for more information or you can call them directly from Ireland +353 (0)1 6547107 / 048 9001091. Alternatively, send an email to SUSIHelp@susi.ie and they will help answer any questions you have. We hope you enjoy your time in America and we wish you all the best with your application! Wishing You All The Best! The SUSI Team!

Current Participants Write About Their Experience

Since joining SUSI and becoming a program participant for SUSI Exchange Program, I have learned so much about what it takes to run a business on my own. As a 19-year-old college student who’s currently running his first company, I can’t wait for 2016 and all of its challenges. Thanks again for providing me with this amazing opportunity! – Avery King – Duke University

FAQs about SUSI Exchange Program

There are a number of questions commonly asked by applicants who are interested in applying for an SUSI Exchange Program. We’ve done our best to provide some answers below. If you have further questions about any aspect of applying for a visa, please get in touch with us at: [email protected] . In most cases, we will do our best to answer your question as quickly as possible. (Depending on how busy we are!) Also, check out our Resources section for additional information about visa and travel preparation resources. And check out Recruitment FAQs if you want more details about recruitment events!

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Scholarships you can apply

By Neha

Neha is a scholarship enthusiast and has personally received several scholarships throughout her academic career. Neha is dedicated to help students to apply for the best scholarships available to them.

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